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Advance is a great opportunity for brotherhood.

This event is about connecting with other men, and growing in our relationship to God. Faith was not designed to be done in isolation, we need to be connected to others. That’s what this weekend is about. We will be outdoors, but that doesn’t mean you have to be an outdoorsman. There will be some physical activity, but that doesn’t mean you have to be an athlete. There will be a lot of food and camp fires, because that’s the best recipe for good conversations. This event is designed for men to laugh, compete, create real friendships and connect to God.

The Details

Held at: OFS Cool Springs 9412 IN-64 Velpen, IN 47590

May 17-18, 2024: Friday 5:30 p.m. to Saturday 3 p.m.

Check-in is from 5:30-6:30 pm at the Stables/Education Center Building at OFS Cool Springs on May 17. We know many of you work 9-5 jobs, but we ask that you make every effort to arrive in that window. Not only will you be connected with your group of guys for the weekend during check-in, but you will also be receiving some important instructions for the weekend. Advance will wrap up around 3:00 pm on Saturday afternoon.

Cost is $50.

Questions? Check out our FAQs below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No problem. We get it, there are things like indoor plumbing and temperature control, man has evolved. But there is something cool about sleeping outdoors, and we’ll have plenty of guys around to help you set up. A big part of the weekend is teamwork, so whether you’ve camped for decades or don’t own a tent we’ll make sure you’re set up well.

  • While we’re asking everyone to come prepared to stay the whole time, we do understand there are exceptions. If you need to sleep at home we’ll miss you but we understand.

  • Perfect! You’ll make friends in no time. Everyone will be assigned to a group with other guys. You’ll do a large portion of the event with your group: get outfitted, make food, set up camp, compete and solve problems. You are going to be good friends with your group by the time this is over.

  • Prior to the event, we’ll send you a full survival guide. But the short version is: One duffel bag and one backpack — filled with camping gear. Also, a tent, a chair, a flashlight, dry clothes and snack food.tion

  • We’ll start check in Friday at 5:30 P.M. and finish up Saturday around 3 P.M.

  • The event is designed for you to be there throughout and we really encourage you to do that. However, you’re grown adults and this isn’t a hostage situation, you can leave whenever you want.

  • Then we’ll probably get wet. It’ll be a little inconvenient, but we’ll look so tough in the event pictures.

  • Don’t worry, we have that taken care of with Cool Springs.

  • If you want to pay for someone else to attend, you are certainly allowed. In fact that may be the best way to get someone to attend with you. However, everybody has to sign the waiver, so they will have to do that part themselves. Also, it is non-refundable, so if your buddy backs out at the last minute, take it up with him.

  • You must be 16 years or older. Any one under 16 has to attend with an adult.

  • Tickets are non-refundable. If you cancel, we’ll give your spot to someone else.

  • Don’t let the money hold you back. Contact LG Lance for more information

  • We have everything else handled. Schedule, food, snacks, speaker and recreation are all on us. You will spend some time in groups, and we will do our best to place you with some familiar faces and some that will be new to you. Finally, remember this event is taking place rain or shine. In case of inclement weather, we have things taken care of with Cool Springs.

    SEE YOU AT ADVANCE May 17-18!